💬 Feedback on the updated farming rates

Balancer BAL/DAI/TRU Pool Emissions, formerly 113,100 TRU/day
Change: turn off this farm (0 TRU/day)
TXN implementing this change: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x3731779aca4e9fb184699aa35c4815d687d43f9b9b010b6e3f009c3946c82f9f

Uniswap TFI-LP/TUSD Pair , formerly 208,921 TRU/day
Change: decrease by 25% to 156,690 TRU/day
TXN implementing this change: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x59d953dd27e5f1d4b95b58caa24fe738efde7039a3b96a33224b6b174bcf5b97

Uniswap ETH/TRU Pair Emissions, formerly 207,350 TRU/day
Change: decrease by 2.5% to 202,166 TRU/day
TXN implementing this change: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb25252d9cc19e3968500c038f1f7fc0451e71872fedebd4ddc9670e8c0ddfde4

(Note that the above changes are not yet reflected on the front-end at app.truefi.io, they will be updated within the next hour or so)

We’re working on the change for TRU stakers, this one requires a smart contract upgrade rather than just a function call and so will take a little longer. Will probably still be able to have it shipped today.

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