Proposal for TrueFi Website Redesign

Executive Summary: As a leading Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), TrueFi’s website serves as the primary touchpoint for users, investors, and the community. However, with the rapid evolution of web design trends and user expectations, it’s crucial to revisit and revamp the website to ensure it remains impactful, user-friendly, and aligned with your brand values. This proposal outlines the key reasons why a website redesign is necessary and provides a roadmap for the redesign process.

1. Outdated Design: The current website design may appear outdated compared to modern web design standards. This can create a perception of stagnation and may deter users from engaging with your platform. A fresh, contemporary design will signal that your organization is dynamic and forward-thinking.

2. Improved User Experience (UX): User experience is paramount in retaining visitors and converting them into active participants. By enhancing the website’s UX, we can streamline navigation, improve information accessibility, and create a more engaging journey for users, leading to increased user satisfaction and interaction.

3. Enhanced Brand Identity: A well-designed website is a powerful tool for communicating your brand values and identity. Through thoughtful design elements, color schemes, and typography, we can reinforce your brand’s ethos and create a memorable impression on visitors, strengthening brand loyalty and community engagement.

4. Mobile Responsiveness: With the majority of internet users accessing websites via mobile devices, ensuring mobile responsiveness is critical. A redesigned website will be optimized for mobile, providing a seamless experience across all devices and enhancing accessibility for a wider audience.

5. Integration of Web3 Technologies: Given my expertise in the crypto space, integrating Web3 technologies into the website can further differentiate your organization. Features such as decentralized identity management, token-based incentives, and blockchain-powered governance mechanisms can enhance user engagement and demonstrate your commitment to the decentralized ecosystem.

6. SEO and Accessibility Improvements: A redesigned website can incorporate best practices for search engine optimization (SEO) and accessibility, making it easier for users to find your platform and ensuring inclusivity for all users, including those with disabilities.

Proposal Details:

  • Conduct a thorough audit of the current website, analyzing design elements, user flows, and technical performance.
  • Develop a new design concept that aligns with your brand’s vision and incorporates modern design trends and Web3 integrations.
  • Implement the new design using responsive web design principles, ensuring compatibility across all devices.
  • Conduct user testing to gather feedback and make iterative improvements to the design.
  • Provide documentation and training for your team to manage and update the website going forward.

Timeline and Budget: The timeline for this project will depend on the scope of the redesign and the complexity of the required features. A detailed project plan will be provided upon approval of the proposal. As for the budget, we will provide a cost estimate based on the scope of work outlined in the proposal.

Conclusion: A website redesign is not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a seamless, engaging experience for the community and stakeholders. By investing in a redesign now, you’ll position your DAO for long-term success in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. We look forward to partnering with you on this exciting journey.


Absolutely, it is crucial to consider the importance of keeping the website updated and user-friendly for those new to the crypto market. Considering the rapid evolution of this sector and the growing demand for lending and staking services, it is imperative that the TrueFi website is reinvigorated to offer a simpler and more accessible experience.

Updating the website to make the lending and staking process more intuitive and straightforward is a wise decision. Simplifying user flows and providing clear guidance can help reduce the learning curve and encourage broader platform participation. This will not only attract new users but also increase the satisfaction and confidence of those already involved.

Additionally, removing options that lead to errors like 404 page not found is a crucial measure to maintain site selection and reliability. These errors can be frustrating for users and undermine trust in the platform. Therefore, by identifying and correcting these issues, TrueFi demonstrates its commitment to quality and service excellence.

Got any mochups to show, or a UX UI design portfolio?

Need way more features, users and a backlog of feedback to warrant a redesign from the current state. Not at this time.