Topic created by @Codeknight some time back that is still worth reading, especially @michael.bland insights on TIP Governance Process v2:
TIP Governance Process v2:
High level governance flow =
- Discuss TIP in Committee Discord;
- Post refined TIP on Forum;
- Off-chain executable TIPs voted on via Snapshot;
- On-chain executable TIPs voted on via Tally.
- Emergency TIP Process
1a. TIP Proposal in Discord: Any DAO member can propose an idea for a potential TIP in the relevant DAO committee discord channel.
1b. TIP Committee Work: The committee leads should work to refine the potential TIP with the proposer and work through any feedback/comments from the DAO members in the committee Discord.
2a. Forum Post: Once the committee leads feel the potential TIP is ready for a formal proposal, the committee leads work with the proposer to draft the formal TIP for posting on the TrueFi Forum.
2b. TIP Author Posts TIP on Forum: Author should use a form TIP proposal outline (I believe this still needs to be created and published on the Forum for authors to use). TIPs remain open for public comment for 1 week min. Author & DAO committee leads may refine the TIP during this time based on community feedback.
3a. Snapshot Vote for Off-Chain Executable TIPs: If the TIP is executable off-chain, then the Author (or DAO committee lead) prepares the TIP for voting on Snapshot. TIPs are posted on Mondays and voting period = 1 week (ending on Sunday). Author shall post the Snapshot link to a governance specific DAO Discord channel. Quorum = 15% of stkTRU circulating supply and only stkTRU tokens have voting power. A successful Snapshot vote then becomes executable by the Foundation or DAO committee leads (depending on the specific TIP).
4a. Tally On-Chain Vote for On-Chain Executable TIPs: If the TIP is executable on-chain, then the Author (or DAO committee lead) prepares the TIP for voting on Tally. TIPs are posted on Mondays and voting period = 1 week (ending on Sunday). Author shall post the Tally link to a governance specific DAO Discord channel. Author must hold 100,000 stkTRU min to que the TIP. Quorum = 15% of stkTRU circulating supply and only stkTRU tokens have voting power. Final approval threshold = 50% of total votes cast. Successful TIPs become executable on chain.
Board Multisig = can veto on-chain proposals during a 2-day timelock window.
Board Veto over Snapshot votes = Board must either express their veto of an off-chain TIP either (i) in the TIP’s Forum post during the 7-day public comment window OR (ii) post-Snapshot approval AND shall explain their veto reasoning in the applicable TIP’s Forum post.
- Emergency TIP Process: If, and only if, the Developer Multisig is used to “Emergency Pause” the protocol for any reason, the Board may propose an “Emergency TIP” to address the specific reason for the Emergency Pause. The Emergency TIP shall be proposed directly in the Forum for a reduced public comment period of 24 hours. The final TIP shall then be put up for an off-chain Snapshot or on-chain Tally vote (as applicable) for a reduced voting window of 24 hours.
Full conversation can be viewed on Discord
We need to decide what to do with the slashed TRU, see this thread in the allocation committee: Discord