[TFIP-8] TrueFi and Wallfacer in 2024

Is it feasible for @WallfacerLabs or someone else to develop an onchain transparent Expenditure Control System that tracks all labour and cost for all upcoming funding proposals for TrueFi development as part of this proposal—or the next—?

While having everything outlined in a proposal is fantastic, I believe that the Truefi DAO needs an extremely transparent step-by-stage itemised expense control mechanism that provides complete transparency when money are being used or unused at each stage and what those funds were spent on.

When finances from one stage of a plan are perhaps carried over to the next, this can also be beneficial. Not only for this proposal, but every proposal moving forward.

Looking at what wallfacer has done when developing vaults.fyi. I think you can build this :+1:t3:

This will be a great framework for the TrueFi DAO expenditure control.

Great read here
Expenditure Control:
Key Features, Stages, and Actors

“Expenditure Attestation Control Mechanism” … if you will.

If built with PM’s in mind, they can also pay a fee to use it for their borrowing clients ensuring borrowed funds are being used for what they say they are. Possibly admissible in court when chasing defaults.

A potential Truefi DAO revenue stream.

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