TrueFi community! Demand for higher interest rate!

The market interest rate is skyrocketing. Centralized platforms like Celsius, Nexos, BlockFi and exchanges like FTX are offering higher interests from 11-12% to 15-18% to lenders. Meanwhile, they are demanding higher interest rate for borrowers due to high demand of stablecoins. We as an uncollaterised lending platform shall demand for at least similar rate to these platforms that mostly offer collaterised loans. I think 15-16% is still affordable for new borrowers and 13-14% is still mutually beneficial to our early adopters like Wintermute and Alamenda. 11-12% is unsustainable for our long-term growth. Even though we have TRU staking rewards for lenders, higher TUSD rewards is still good for improving TVL. I hope that our dearest borrowers can offer us higher interest rate and our community will give more support and stake more TRU in these requests.

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