Truefi Next Steps Topic

Dear Archblock and its board members,


I am reaching out to seek clarification regarding your company’s communication strategy surrounding the TrueFi protocol.

I am perplexed by the recent lack of commentary from your company, its founders, and board members on this matter, given the crucial role TrueFi plays (or played…) in Archblock’s services, as mentioned on “TrueFi - Pioneered by Archblock,” and the frequent mentions of “Truefi Protocol being the underlying technology of Archblock Markeplace” in various communications.

Specifically, my confusion arises from the following points:

:black_small_square:The TrueFi protocol has been tightly linked to Archblock and the TrueFi founders since its beginnings.

:black_small_square:On the website The Truefi protocol is mentioned by Archblock’s as the underlying technologyfor Archblock’sMarkeplace. This says to me Truefi is still highly regarded by Archblock.

:black_small_square:According to interviews conducted as recently as six months ago, the TrueFi Protocol technology is frequently cited as the underlying technology for Archblock Markeplace services.

Furthermore, it is to my knowledge that certain developers connected to Wallfacer Labs are also affiliated with Ethworks and are/were employed by both Wallfacer and Archblock Poland. (If I’m mistaken based on the information obtained from the public, do correct me.)

With all that being said and given Archblock’s close relationships with Truefi, Ethworks and Wallfacer, the absence of any public comment or update on the situation involving TrueFi is perplexing.

Could you provide clarity on why there has been no communication regarding this issue, considering the close connections and the potential impact on all parties involved?

It would be very helpful for everyone involved and tjose who follow your work to understand the present dynamics, not just from the perspective of a Truefi pioneer but also from any personal stance on these connections and changes.

Thank you for addressing this concern. I look forward to your response


Feel free to reach out

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