Someone needs to be the heel to keep things real. Lets hope you guys can improve overall
@Kryptonim Regarding Straal
Can you comment on this?
Firstly, is this information factual?
If so, Is this still the case?
FCA Registration
From January 2020, firms carrying out specific cryptoasset activities in the United Kingdom need to comply with the amended Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds Regulations 2017 (MLRs) and to register with the FCA.
Straal Ltd is not registered with the FCA as a crypro asset firm.
Does this in any way negatively impact Kryptonim proposal?
@StrategoHoldings, question:
why did you choose to use this particular service as a source of truth when you can go to FCA’s official website?
My first question was the following:
The reason i chose this particular source was because i could not locate Straal on the FCA official website.
Maybe you could ?
Im asking questions, not making statements
Kryptonim’s LoC has been at 99.99% utilization for nearly a month, or about 15% above the optimal utilization rate. My interpretation is that the market deems the lending risk too high relative to the reward. If Kryptonim wishes to access more capital, the interest rate model may need to be adjusted higher.
I’m curious to hear the thoughts of @kaimi and @Kryptonim about adjusting the interest rate model with the goal of attracting additional capital.
In general, I think capital for unsecured loans have been very challenging to get in this current environment still, nonetheless for a new borrower!
Honestly, I think more engagement from Kryptonim would be well served, such as current business standing including roughly, like capitalisation, revenues, profits, volumes done etc. If this is looking at this point a pure startup phase, then yes, the interest rate can be seen as too low.
I believe we lack sufficient data to back this hypothesis, as the $1,000 in the pool merely represents residual funds from a test transaction.
In my view, the current phase of this opportunity remains at the “initializing” stage. I would prefer to first observe the committed lenders depositing their funds before I would contemplate participation.
I agree with this. I suspect people are still spooked by last year’s credit collapse, making them hesitant to deposit into unsecured lines of credit.
We have cautious market participants, new contracts, and a new borrower. All of these factors come into play, and I’m sure there are other factors as well.
Nevertheless, we must work with what we have.
Great to hear you on the @WallfacerLabs podcast
Maybe @Kryptonim could be next @ryan.rodenbaugh … What about it @Kryptonim ? Get yourself out there!
Adding a note here… I am very glad to see the LoC live for you Kryptonim, but as a lender on the platform I am concerned that the interest rate is too low. I think it’s good for LoCs to most of the time not be fully utilized (e.g. 85-90% utilization is probably good) but they way this pool is set up 85% utilization appears to correspond to only ~6.8% interest for lenders? Lenders could get up to 15% interest but only while having no liquidity.
Given that 1 month treasurys are around 5.54%, I think something around 10% might be appropriate for the 85-90% utilization situation, and maybe around 20-25% for a full utilization situation.
I agree with other posters that more details about the state of the business today would probably help lenders feel comfortable with lower rates.
“Cublox Ltd. (formerly known as Straal Ltd.) is a part of the Finteva Ltd. Group.”
“For more information please visit Finteva Ltd. website.”
Very nice work on the new website @Kryptonim Exciting times ahead