[TFIP-16.1] Restoration of governance procedures and reassignment of Canceller multi-signature wallet *modified*


Following great suggestions from @kaimi and @TylerEther , this proposal below builds on the previous [TFIP-16] maintaining the previously mentioned governance improvements while modifying the technical process of changing the new CANCELLER role. This means both the revocation of the old multisignature and approval of the new one will be completed in one transaction.


As part of the current transition, there is a clear need to (1) reinstate the governance procedures and (2) implement a committed, business, and technically adept group of individuals on the CANCELLER role to ensure no potentially malicious proposals.

The community has aggregated some candidates including Board members and long-term, aligned community members, to act as new holders of the canceller multi-signature wallet. The following steps will be implemented.

1. Maintenance of previously mentioned governance amendment

Firstly, the previous governance amendments mentioned in [TFIP-16] will be maintained and implemented to improve the governance process.

Proposal for Governance Restoration

Compliance with Governance Protocols: All forum proposals must follow the TFIP structure, be subject to a 3–5 day discussion period, and include a “For” or “Against” poll.

Enhancing Community Engagement: Encourage active participation from all community members to improve engagement and decision-making.

Board’s Role in Reviewing Proposals: As part of the transition of Wallfacer being the core service provider and according to the initial proposal for the Board’s role, the Foundation will take over the multi-signature wallets connected to the Canceller function. The Board’s role includes reviewing incoming and approved Timelocked proposals for modifications or outright veto.

Neutrality and Conflict of Interest: DAO Board members are elected by, serve at the pleasure of, and may be terminated by stkTRU holders. The neutrality of the Board’s individual Directors is crucial. Potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed and mitigated promptly. It is likely that service providers may come from the network of current TrueFi participants, mitigating these potential conflicts of interest as seen in the Teragon proposal which disclosed Bastion Trading as an advisor and enabled the Directors to maintain neutrality through an internal Chinese wall allowing members to voice their singular opinions independently . Furthermore, Cicada and Wallfacer noted that they would potentially have a conflict of interest regarding the canceller vote on the Teragon on-chain proposal and decided to abstain. Such transparency and community support are essential, aligning with the suggested canceller wallet policy.

Board’s Role in Onboarding and Compliance The Board primarily supports the governance, legal, and compliance process for the TrueFi protocol, including onboarding new partners. The Board will support the enforcement of the established governance protocols in the future. Additionally, it is suggested that partners should onboard before their proposal goes on-chain to ensure compliance with our required AML laws. This process protects the DAO and limits the need for the Canceller function in the future, as partners will be aligned internally; be able to discuss confidential, commercially sensitive information; and the provision of KYC documents will act as a deterrent to harmful behaviour.

Simplified Governance and Snapshot Utilization In response to concerns regarding the complexity of governance and the low participation, we propose a more streamlined approach. A middle ground, requiring a longer process using Snapshot for significant developments, while allowing exemptions for renewals and minor adjustments.

1. Termination of Contracts:

  • Exemption: The termination of a contract proposed by the Board of Directors due to reasons such as legal risks, failure to reach KPIs, and other risks can be exempted from the lengthy Snapshot process to allow for swift action.

2. Status Quo:

  • Exemption: Renewals of existing agreements or minor adjustments previously mentioned in a TrueFi Improvement Proposal (TIP) can skip the extended Snapshot process.

3. Smaller Treasury Adjustments:

  • Exemption: Treasury adjustments including swaps of TRU to ETH, WBTC, or stablecoins below 1.5 million USD can skip the extended Snapshot process.

For these exempted proposals:

  • A 72-hour voting period on the forum will be required.

  • A forum poll, if deemed necessary, will be conducted.

  • A 72-hour Tally vote will be held.

Proposed Changes for Non-Exempted Proposals: For proposals not falling under the above exemptions:

1. Forum Posting:

  • A 72-hour posting period on the forum is required to introduce the proposal.

2. Snapshot Vote:

  • A 48-hour Snapshot vote will be conducted with the options: “OK to vote on Tally,” “Not OK to vote on Tally,” and “Abstain.”

  • At least 5% of staked TRU must participate in this Snapshot vote to meet the quorum.

3. Amendment Period:

  • If the 5% quorum is met, with a majority negative vote, a 72-hour period will follow to allow for any amendments or discussions before the proposal is posted to Tally.

4. Tally Vote:

  • After the amendment period, the proposal will be posted to Tally for the final vote.

  • During this time, TrueFi Foundation will ensure the onboarding of the client and proposed business, assuming all other qualifications are met and there are no technical or procedural issues warranting the Canceller’s intervention.

Clear Definition of the Canceller Role: It’s vital to define the Canceller role, which reviews approved and Timelocked proposals, with the power to freeze code merges or veto proposals if they are deemed harmful to the protocol or its users.

Canceller Function Usage We propose the following criteria for the Canceller function:

  1. Any Tally Transaction not referenced in the Truefi Forum (and obviously relevantly referenced) will be cancelled.

  2. Any Tally Transaction that is notified to have a legitimate technical flaw will be cancelled.

  3. Any Tally Transaction (even if there is a corresponding Forum Proposal) where the Proposed Partner party has not been onboarded (KYC and AML cleared) will be cancelled for transactions where more than 5,000 USD value is being transferred.

  4. Any Tally Transaction that does not follow the following procedure will be cancelled:

  5. A forum post must be made with the appropriate “[TFIP-XX]” prefix in the title with the next sequential number of the TFIP on it. The category of the post must be made to be “Proposal”.

  6. The TFIP must be left for 96 hours before a vote on Tally vote is initiated.

  7. There must be an announcement by the proposer that the vote would be on Tally by the initial proposer on the forum prior to placing the proposal on Tally.

  8. The proposal must include at least a description of each Tally transaction to be submitted.

  9. The Tally Transactions must coincide with the description of the Tally Tx on the Proposal.

  10. A proposal must also provide the terms and conditions that the DAO can unilaterally terminate its arrangement with the service provider (if it is relevant). Such examples are termination upon not meeting interim KPI metrics.

  11. A proposal must also acknowledge that payment streams (Sablier streams) as part of their service contract may be terminated despite the best efforts of the DAO and cancellers, and/or incentive payments proposed via future tally payments are subject for such proposals passed by a quorum and majority votes at that time, even if KPIs were completed. The DAO and Foundation are not responsible for these circumstances.

  12. A proposal must provide a procedure for any handing off items at the end of the contract to the DAO (or Foundation) including a timeline.

  13. The proposal must have a set of terms and conditions that can be mostly transferred to a legal agreement between TrueFi Foundation Ltd and the counterparty where the contract value is greater than 5,000 USD, with satisfaction to the Board. The Board cannot unreasonably refuse that the terms and conditions are not in such format. An agreement draft may be provided (with NDA) to the TrueFi Foundation if significant parts of the agreement should be private.

  14. Extraordinary Discretionary Cancellations: If the Board, each individually, believes that the Forum Proposal was passed through highly divergent economics or control metrics from standard practices, then the Board has the right to use the Canceller function. Either on the forum or on-chain, reasons for the cancellation must be provided by each who has canceled the passed tally vote.

If governance rules are not met, the Board must unanimously vote to cancel and will approach the additional cancellers to use their address. If all the rules are followed, but there is still potential harmful activity a canceller believes merits the use of the Canceller function, then cancellers must provide adequate reasoning.

2. Creation of new multisignature wallet

Rather than each holder of the current wallet transferring their rights to a new wallet, it has been suggested that a completely new wallet should be created. The canceller rights on the old multisignature wallet should be revoked and canceller rights to the new wallet should be approved.

Therefore, the proposed candidates have built a new multisignature wallet that will be 2 persons connected to the Board, and 4 long-time community members:

Multisignature threshold is 4/6 and can be found here:

3. Tally proposal for the revocation and approval of canceller multisignature wallets

Thirdly, a Tally proposal would need to call Timelock’s (“0x4f4AC7a7032A14243aEbDa98Ee04a5D7Fe293d07”) and include two actions:

A) Revoke Role:

This will revoke access on the previous canceller multisignature wallet to canceller rights

revokeRole(role, account) function with args:

revokeRole (“0xfd643c72710c63c0180259aba6b2d05451e3591a24e58b62239378085726f783”,“0x8c8FcA3812c4272756120E207D3ED496A73Bc528”)

B) Grant Role:

This will provide access on the new multisignature wallet to canceller rights

grantRole(role, account) function with args:

grantRole(“0xfd643c72710c63c0180259aba6b2d05451e3591a24e58b62239378085726f783”, “0x38358B194A863d40677D774823e6Fc922a100471”)

Next Steps

  • Discussion Period and Forum Poll: Since this is just a small modification of the already accepted proposal, this will be open for discussion on the TrueFi Forum for a period of 2 days for community feedback with a non-binding poll to gauge community sentiment.
  • Implementation: Upon a successful Forum proposal, the final proposal will be brought to all stkTRU holders for an on-chain vote on Tally. If approved, the necessary actions will be executed automatically with the Canceller role will be transferred to the multi-signature wallet controlled by the Independent Board of Directors and the mentioned individuals.

This poll is to gauge community sentiment on accepting revokation of the old CANCELLER multisignature wallet and approval of the new CANCELLER multisignature wallet in one proposal

  • Yes to revoking and approving the CANCELLER wallets in one proposal
  • No to revoking and approving the CANCELLER wallets in one proposal
0 voters
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Hey @vandynathan, I’m not seeing your listed address 0xCd263ADcD76e4d81CB7EA6Ad32447d2810f37e13 on the muitlsig, but I’m seeing 0xE416dE13e7859Ba860de0DE3563dA1e4e97dbd97 as a signer that isn’t listed on the post. I’m assuming this is the address that you’ll be using.


@vandynathan :arrow_down:

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Yeah, you’re both absolutely right. That’s the address that I will be using: 0xE416dE13e7859Ba860de0DE3563dA1e4e97dbd97

I updated the Proposal so that this address is reflected in the final Tally too.


Thanks for your patience all.

We’re live on Tally and voting starts in two days: Tally | TrueFi | [TFIP-16.1] Restoration of gov procedures & reassignment of CANCELLER multi-sig

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Thanks for the support w the transition all

TFIP-16.1 is complete and the new canceller wallet has been officially executed

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