[TFIP-8] TrueFi and Wallfacer in 2024

Thanks for the reply. With regards to the Maker Conduits and D3m, Maker has specific liquidity and solvency profiles it intends to achieve. These are pretty well understood right now and captured in the atlas (I think?). Maker will only invest in short term cash like RWA for the foreseeable future. Anything with duration risk needs to go through an arranger and there is basically 0 new exposure to these less liquid classes. What are the current cashlike assets equivalents that Maker could fund in TrueFi?

I think generally the issue is if the DAO denies your funding, when does it expire? There needs to be a long enough window to ensure continuity of your operations, otherwise it turns into a weird leverage challenge. Happy to provide feedback and get something structured a bit better.

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