Urgent intervention needed

I think you all agree that we are suffering from lack of leadership in truefi. The DAO philosophy has been implemented deficiently and led to various cases of misuse by foul players. The result has been catastrophic and we have been bleeding badly.
The wallfacer no vite was a disaster. The no might have come from ppl who had already set up a massive short position on binance. They sold their tokens immediately and then actualized their short profits at the expense of everybody else. This is just a single example. Another example is the loans that are not being repaid and it is unknown who is responsible to start the legal process.
Right now we do not even know who is in charge of this whole business. Truefi has real potential to be an important part of the RWA narrative but we need steadfast leadership. Put aside your dogma about democracy and DAI and do something about this. Choose the core managers and give them power to lead us asap, otherwise in the over competitive space, we will wither and die like so many others before us.
I invite all with expert knowledge to move in and offer proposals asap.

Hi @Memyself

My respectful suggestion is to spend a bit more time reading through the forum so we can all have a more productive conversation. We genuinely appreciate your passion and concerns, but it would help if you could take some extra time to DYOR. :hole::rabbit2:

I understand that the forum hasn’t been very well-organised, which makes it tough for new DAO members to find what they need. It can feel like a maze at times. I get it!

We’re in the process of making important DAO governance updates to address these problems. In the meantime, we kindly ask that you do your best to navigate the forum, increase your read time and get familiar with any issues you’re concerned about.:+1:

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