[Board Candidate] StrategoHoldings Platform Statement

Candidacy Proposal for TrueFi Foundation Board Member Position

Following the recent TFIP-17 proposal this statement puts forward StrategoHoldings candidacy as a Board Member for the TrueFi DAO Foundation. The statement outlines the motivation, qualifications, contributions, and compensation for the role.

I @StrategoHoldings am writing to present my candidacy for one of the three board seats available from September 2024 through 30 September 2025, with the possibility of an extension until 31 December 2025, pending approval through a forum proposal.

I am enthusiastic at the opportunity to join the TrueFi Board. With over thirty years of experience as a serial entrepreneur, I have developed a diverse portfolio of businesses, learning invaluable lessons from both successes and setbacks. This extensive journey has refined my ability to recognise and avoid repeating mistakes, and I am a firm believer in the necessity of continuous evolution in organisational structures and relationships for long-term success. Currently, I lead a thriving digital marketing company that supports the development of new and existing business ventures, leveraging a dedicated in-house team of web developers, designers, and technical SEO managers. I am eager to bring this expertise and perspective to the TrueFi Board.

Entrepreneur and Business Strategist Experience:
My professional focus is predominantly on the companies I operate or am invested in. My business model revolves around supporting my own ventures, allowing me to channel my efforts into these projects and drive their success. Consequently, I do not offer my services to external clients beyond these business interests. This strategy ensures a high level of commitment and effectiveness within my own operations and investments.

Since 2022, I have been a committed investor in the TrueFi Protocol, investing over 2.2 million TRU from my company’s capital. This significant involvement has bolstered my confidence in the protocol’s potential. I have experienced firsthand the importance of ongoing adaptation and innovation within the DeFi space, which has further fuelled my enthusiasm for contributing to TrueFi’s growth and success. I am deeply committed to supporting the protocol’s advancement and am excited about the prospect of contributing to its journey towards achieving greater milestones.

One of my key strengths is my ability to communicate effectively and engage in open dialogue, reflecting a DAO-like mindset. This approach aligns with the decentralised and collaborative nature of DAOs, where every voice is valued and decisions are made collectively for the community’s benefit. I am dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where diverse perspectives drive innovation and effective decision-making, ensuring that decentralisation and democratic processes are upheld.

Moreover, my strategic and practical approach enables me to tackle complex problems and develop sustainable, real-world solutions. Beyond my involvement with TrueFi, I maintain a diverse portfolio of cryptocurrency investments, focusing on long-term vision projects that offer staking rewards for compounded returns. This investment strategy helps me align with projects that emphasise sustainable growth and innovation, enhancing my strategic decision-making capabilities.

I am driven to apply my entrepreneurial experience, collaborative approach, problem-solving skills, and long-term investment perspective to help TrueFi navigate future challenges and opportunities. I am committed to fostering an environment where mistakes are viewed as growth opportunities and learning experiences. My experience in scaling businesses and my deep dedication to TrueFi uniquely position me to make a meaningful contribution to the Board.

Background and Practical Crypto Experience:
I have been actively engaged in the cryptocurrency space since 2011, initially focusing on Bitcoin. My journey into decentralised finance (DeFi) began in 2020, and my first significant investment in this area was with TrustToken’s TRU Token in November 2021. What began as a relatively modest investment has since grown to 2.23 million TRU holdings, even amidst the downturn of the crypto markets in 2023.

My dedication to the principles of decentralisation is reflected in my belief that the decentralisation of DeFi protocols should go hand in hand with DAO governance—a perspective I have emphasised in many forum and Discord discussions over the past several years. By aligning decentralisation with robust DAO governance, we can maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of TrueFi within the broader DeFi and Real-World Asset (RWA) ecosystem. This alignment ensures that decision-making processes are transparent, accountable, and reflective of the community’s interests, ultimately fostering a more resilient and sustainable decentralised finance landscape.

Over the years, I have also closely followed the development of major DeFi lending protocols, observing their evolution into crucial DAO structures. This ongoing engagement has provided me with valuable insights into how these protocols adapt and integrate DAO governance to enhance their functionality, transparency, and community involvement.I am an active member of the following forums: Sky Network (formerly MakerDAO), Aave, Centrifuge, Compound, Gitcoin, and Silo. Although I do not converse a lot in these forums, I keep a close eye on the decisions being made and stay informed about the developments within these communities.

I am committed to driving TrueFi’s growth and shaping its future within the DeFi space. Driven by a strong intuitive nature, I have delved deeply into the world of DeFi through extensive research and hands-on exploration. I have immersed myself in the DYOR (Do Your Own Research) rabbit hole, familiarising myself with numerous DeFi protocol developers and their work on GitHub. This has included analysing various repositories and tracking developments within the space, giving me a comprehensive understanding of the evolving landscape, encompassing both TrueFi and other projects.

Additionally, since late 2022, I have been monitoring a range of different wallet movements using tools like Dune Analytics, Glassnode, Zapper, and Etherscan. These platforms have provided me with valuable insights into transaction patterns, protocol activities, and DeFi ecosystems. This experience has deepened my understanding of DeFi dynamics and operational intricacies, further reinforcing my commitment to making a meaningful contribution to the TrueFi Protocol.

As a prospective board member, I offer a comprehensive background in operations, governance, and business development, with a specialised focus on scaling organisations and steering complex projects to successful outcomes. My experience includes strategic oversight and operational excellence in various high-growth environments, which positions me well to drive meaningful contributions to TrueFi’s mission.

Currently, as a multi-signature signatory for the TrueFi DAO, I actively engage in key governance decisions, reflecting my deep commitment to the project’s objectives and strategic direction. My involvement with TrueFi DAO underscores my dedication to decentralised finance (DeFi) and my capability to influence and support the platform’s evolution effectively.

This blend of hands-on governance experience, coupled with a proven track record in scaling businesses and managing multifaceted initiatives, equips me to significantly advance TrueFi’s growth and success in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape. My strategic insights and operational acumen will contribute to reinforcing TrueFi’s position as a leader in the DeFi space and driving its long-term objectives forward.

Board Member Responsibilities:
As a board member with a monthly retainer of $2,000 for up to 4 hours of work per week (paid in stablecoins or TRU), I will focus on:

Governance Oversight:

  • Multi-Signature Wallet: Maintaining a multi-signature wallet for veto power over governance transactions to ensure strategic integrity.

Executing Off-Chain Actions:

  • Support Implementation: Support the implementation of DAO-mandated actions that align with strategic objectives.

Assessing Risks:

  • Risk Evaluation: Aid in evaluating and managing risks, including reputational concerns, related to off-chain actions.

Stakeholder Liaison:

  • Relationship Enhancement: Support the enhancement of relationships with key service providers, facilitate communication, and coordinate initiatives.

Facilitating Communication:

  • Effective Communication: Help ensure effective communication between the TrueFi board and service providers.

Building Relationships:

  • Strong Partnerships: Support the establishment and maintenance of strong partnerships with service providers.

Resolving Issues:

  • Conflict Resolution: Aid in addressing and resolving conflicts between TrueFi and its service providers.

Coordinating Initiatives:

  • Alignment of Activities: Support the alignment of service providers’ activities with TrueFi’s strategic objectives.

Gathering Feedback:

  • Feedback Application: Facilitate the collection and application of feedback to enhance TrueFi’s operations.

Community Trust: Having recently been elected as a Multi-Sig Canceller by the TrueFi community, I am honoured to have earned their trust, which is a testament to my dedication and alignment with the protocol’s values. This trust empowers me to effectively carry out my responsibilities, ensuring that the oversight I provide as a multi-sig Canceller is both rigorous and transparent.

By maintaining this role, I am committed to upholding the community’s interests, safeguarding the protocol’s integrity, and fostering a secure and trustworthy environment within TrueFi. My election to this position is not just a validation of my past contributions, but also a responsibility I take seriously as I continue to provide critical oversight and support to the TrueFi ecosystem.

Transparency and Trust: In line with my commitment to the principles of transparency and trust, which are fundamental to both decentralised finance and the TrueFi community, I am fully prepared to disclose my identity (doxx) to the TrueFi DAO Foundation and other relevant stakeholders. This openness demonstrates my dedication to the role and the responsibilities it involves.

I understand that the DAO will decide whether to vote for a non-doxxed director and that specific KYC/AML procedures are required for adding a new director to a BVI entity. If I am successful in securing a board seat, I will sign an NDA with the Foundation to provide the necessary KYC/AML documentation. However, I wish to remain pseudo-anonymous to the DAO under the name StrategoHoldings (stratego.eth)

Conflicts of Interest: I have no conflicts of interest whatsoever concerning the TrueFi Protocol.

Compensation: The compensation structure for the Board Member role includes two components:

  • A monthly retainer of $2,000 for basic responsibilities, covering up to 4 hours of work per week (paid in SKY or TRU from the TrueFi DAO).
  • Beyond the basic retainer, additional work and operational duties will be billed at a rate of $200 per hour.

Probation Period: A probation period of three months will commence upon the acceptance of the proposal.

Oversight: Upon appointment, Board Member removal from the Foundation will be executed through governance processes if performance does not align with expectations.

Conclusion: I am eager to contribute effectively to the TrueFi Foundation, uphold the integrity of the TrueFi Protocol, and support the community’s growth.

Thank you for considering my candidacy



Happy to see you running for a directorship. You’ve contributed so much to the community already!


Thank you for your dedication, trust, and contributions to TrueFi.