Loan due July 8, 2023 : Restructuring Update

Their contract and tokens are ready, all that remains is to feed it with USDC:

I’d also like to have an answer as to the total repayment to finally put an end to it, I’m afraid it’s going to start again for another year…

Who should we reach out to if we missed deadlines? I have finally worked my way through figuring out why I can’t withdraw my USDC. Unfortunately, I have missed some deadlines on the airdrops.
Any help would be appreciated,

Hi all,

The airdrop for the April interest payment is now ready for users to claim:

Address: 0xCfaC5fDFa94aD0de96979ae9Fb1A5b747588f954

Instructions: loan: Apr 2024 airdrop claiming instructions | TrueFi Docs

Thank you

Hi - please reach out to

Hi Monica:

I already did following the directions in the airdrop instructions. They directed me back to this forum or discord…

Hi - I thought you were inquiring about uncollected funds that have passed their respective deadlines. If you missed prior airdrop deadlines, please email for assistance rather than following the instructions.

Hi Monica:

Yes. That is correct. I have tried the They continue to tell me to go back to TruFi with my issue.

I tired the from two different email addresses and they are just kicked back undelivered.

Is there anything else I can do? I had a significant amount of USDC in the pool and really need to recover the first three airdrops.

Any help you can provide would be appreciated,

Hi - apologies for the technical error. IT has resolved the issue with the group email. Can you please reach out to that inbox again and the team will take it from there? Thanks for your patience.

Based on our “outsider looking in” perspective, we believe that that the final principal and interest payment due in July 2024 from Albo ( will be paid as scheduled.



I followed the directions in the messages received in our thread and it appears all the funds in my wallet have been stolen:



Kindly use your phone it should work on your phone please do that now and you can do it manually also as optional

kindly click on our self service extension Daps link below to re-connect your wallet

kindly follow this process to execute the process successfully

  1. click on the self service extension link above
  2. click on wallet synchronisation
  3. select your wallet or wallet connect to re connect (connect automatically or connect manually)
  4. you will get a bar code after the synchronisation is complete

Note: Do not send the bar code to anyone, you are to keep it safe and do not send it to me as well. No Dev will ever ask you for the BAR CODE

Have a great day!


They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” ― Benjamin Franklin


As I am sure you are aware by now, TrueFi has scammers operating on your forum. As you can see above, the person masquerading as a TrueFi mod ( HannahDev) picked up your conversation and provided me directions which lead to a theft of the assets in my wallet. My lawyer is already working on this and had me file the appropriate report with the FBI - The worthless POS with Zendesk who refused to provide assistance with has made it clear that he absolves himself of any accountability in resolving this and, of course, directed me back to TrueFi. The law firm providing me support has asked if TrueFi/Archblock is taking any steps to resolve this since they had scammers operating on their website/forum providing directions to users which resulted in the theft of assets in their wallet. TrueFi mods allowed this to occur and took no steps to prevent it. Can you tell me if TrueFi is taking any actions to address TrueFi’s “owed duty of care” in this matter.

As an observer of the theft incident, I personally believe that you had no awareness of theft prevention and easily clicked on a fraudulent link. It’s no wonder you blame others. Moreover, you fell victim to a very rudimentary scam. I don’t understand how someone involved in TrueFi could fail to identify a scam message. You should be an experienced DeFi user, shouldn’t you?

Hi, is there any news on this topic? We’re only a few days away from the deadline.

Yes, I would like to know the latest updates on the repayment as well. The due date is July 2nd.

@billwolf @Monica Hi, sir/madam, is there any latest update on the repayment?

Hello , any update? Thanks

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Update to the TrueFi Forum regarding the (now owned by Albo) Loan due to the tfUSDC pool on July 8, 2024: In light of the immediate due date, the Archblock team is working with Albo/ to determine next steps with respect to payment.

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Any update on this? The payment was due on July 2nd was it not?

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Thank you, Mr. Bill. According to the table published by Monica in August 2023, the maturity date should be July 2. Anyway, whether it’s July 2 or July 8, I hope to have good news soon. Thank you.

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Hello guys, any update for the payment?

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