Deploy protocol-owned liquidity to improve TRU’s onchain liquidity via establishing Liquidity Multisig owned by the DAO. This proposal when executed:
- Sends 50M TRU to the Liquidity Multisig
- Binds signers to deploy TRU into AMM
TRU liquidity on DEXs today is worse than its peers. Providing significant liquidity onchain increases credibility of the project and removes friction for onchain traders and users.
The assets on this multisig belong solely to the DAO.
The signers are directed to operate within boundaries of this proposal and assets can be used only to provide market liquidity.
Only assets allowed to be held on the multisig are TRU, USDC and AMM LP tokens, representing TRU/USDC pair.
All assets must remain under control of the multisig or sent back to the DAO Treasury, it is not permissable for the funds / liquidity (LP tokens) to be sent outside of this multisig wallet unless directed otherwise by the DAO proposal.
Unused positions can be withdrawn by the multisig and re-used or kept idle.
All signers are doxxed to TrueFi Foundation Board.
Exact decision making regarding the specific ranges to be covered and amounts provided are being handled by the signers. Probable, example strategy would look like this:
70% allocated to Uniswap v3 (Ethereum Mainnet) in multiple one-sided positions above the current market price up to ~$1.20 per TRU. 30% would remain available for Liquidity Multisig to cover more price ranges in the future.
Multisig will execute on any future proposals that would direct it to further extend the scope or return all assets back to main treasury.
Multisig Details
Signers: Wallfacer Persons (2), TrueFi Foundation Board Member (1), Community Members (2)
Thresold: 3/5
- 0xa26980b8291c5799811B24EB753748A1faCE1475
- 0xc8A69971DAa3C3ADd85Ab0d0AF297515769ddfFC
- 0x46dFcBc2aFD5DD8789Ef0737fEdb03489D33c428
- 0xF71e13844D06263D9B13E41385639075c41dAaA5
- 0x23af6b936e929E9Ae5473b376d199ce45B67b34f