Grants committee - call notes

After listening in on the community call, I wanted to share my thoughts.

  1. We need bodies to help participate in the community treasury and grants committee, so this is a public call to those interested.

  2. Tight knit focus on the categories of fund dispersement

for a 3 of 4 multisig

1 Lead
2 Data
3 Media
4 Community Development - integrations, ideas, other

Not sure how many should be on the gnosis multisig but I would love to hear from some team members about where to look and any other thoughts.

Not sure on the status of tagging people, but I would love to hear more from @rafaelcosman @MG-TT @ryan.rodenbaugh @tylerw (just some team members I’ve talked with in the past or on the call about this idea)

Lets hit the ground running and engage some souls