Contract Extension For Community Moderators


Sequel to our previous proposal, our current contract, which expires by the end of June, we, Joseph Appolos and Emmanuel Boamah, are proposing an extension for the next six months. We have served as TrueFi’s community moderators since April 2022. Our current contract expires at the end of June 2024. We seek a renewal of our contract from July through December 2024 to continue our dedicated service to the TrueFi community.

Overview of Services


Justification for Extension

Community Moderation Necessity

  • Effective community moderation is essential in web3 to ensure safety, engagement, and active participation.
  • Increased community activity is expected with the resumption of lending activities and TrueFi’s expansion to Arbitrum. Our role will be crucial in managing this growth and ensuring a positive community experience.

Value of Our Services

  • Safety and Security: Prevention of scams and maintaining a spam-free environment.
  • Engagement: Keeping the community chat active and lively.
  • Support: Providing continuous support and addressing queries.
  • Marketing Assistance: Assisting with marketing tasks as needed.

Contributions and Achievements

During Our Tenure

  • Maintained a healthy, active, and informed community.
  • Responded promptly to community queries and concerns.
  • Fostered a sense of unity and activeness within the community.
  • Managed the Telegram group, ensuring clear communication and lively discussions.

Strategic Importance and Community Building

TrueFi’s Expansion to Arbitrum

  • TrueFi’s partnership with Cicada Credit and expansion to Arbitrum positions us to attract new lenders.

  • Our continued moderation will be essential in guiding new members from this partnership, amongst other responsibilities.

  • Now is the pivotal time to strengthen and grow our community. A robust and engaged community is a cornerstone of success in web3. Many users evaluate projects based on community activity and support.

  • We suggest exploring additional strategies to enhance community engagement and create an interactive atmosphere for new and existing members.

Proposed Terms for Extension


  • Period: July 2024 to December 2024


  • Source: DAO Treasury
  • Preferred Currency: TRU tokens
  • Payment Method: *Sablier ** payment streams
  • Monthly Amount: $500 total ($250 per person)

ETH Addresses

  • Joseph Appolos: 0x79aB78Fe4b4B166da1B868527E587bc9b8B6A3AE
  • Emmanuel Boamah: 0xc2069e336596adbef917d8af715610f221d848db

Technical Assistance

We kindly request the assistance of WALLFACER Lab, who helped us with the previous proposal, to assist in setting up the Sablier payment stream and handling other technical details related to this proposal.


Our commitment to TrueFi remains unwavering. We are prepared to continue enhancing and supporting the TrueFi community, adapting to evolving needs. Our experience and achievements make us well-suited for this role, and we look forward to the opportunity to contribute further to TrueFi’s success.


I agree with this proposal. I think the compensation requested if fair, and the team have been doing a sterling job of responding quickly to questions and comments within the Discord and Telegram.


Wanted to make a note here. This team has been consistent and reliable in my experience and the fee is very fair. The transparent headcount breakdown is very reasonable based on the commitments as well.


Please note that the Truefi Foundation Board will make their best endevours to assist with the Tally proposal. (please note that currently Wallfacer is not on contract with Truefi). Bear with us for the next few days on this matter.


Alright. Thank you. It’ll be greatly appreciated.

Please let us know if you need anything.

We’ll also appreciate updates regarding implementation as they happen to keep us informed.

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What’s next with this proposal @TheSkyHopper

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bear with me here. apologies on this delay.


@vandynathan @TheSkyHopper

Any news about this proposal

We have not heard anything about the proposal


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Hi @dorizay,

I feel the same applies for this proposal

With that being said, I’d love to hear you and your teams thoughts @solexj1000, @emmagh
@Josh_EJ75, @Dorizay on the current TrueFi Discord/Telegram channels and how they compare to other channels you may have interacted with or researched for ideas…

Are there any updates or changes you’d like to see implemented in TrueFi’s Discord or Telegram channels that you’ve been inspired by from other communities?

Or have you noticed any areas where the current TrueFi channels could be improved or feel are lacking in certain aspects?

Your ideas and opinions would be very much appreciated by the DAO

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Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the current state and potential improvements for TrueFi’s community channels. Based on my experience and recent observations, there are several areas where we can enhance our community engagement effectively.

Current State Assessment:

  • The TrueFi community on Telegram primarily attracts short to mid-term token profit hunters. This is partly because there’s a lack of regular, engaging activities that could otherwise attract and retain members genuinely interested in TruFi’s offerings.
  • Compared to other projects, TrueFi does not host any community, which is a significant missed opportunity in a space where community engagement is pivotal.
  • Our presence on Telegram, while steady, remains small-scale, with just over 2800 members. This indicates a potential lack of outreach and engagement strategies which are critical in the web3 ecosystem.

Suggested Improvements:

  1. Community Calls: Reinstating community calls on Discord could substantially increase engagement. These calls would serve as a direct line of communication for updates, discussions, and stakeholder interactions, ensuring our community remains informed and involved.

  2. Community Growth and Engagement: Now that TrueFi is live on Arbitrum, we have a unique opportunity to attract a broader audience, including small and medium lenders previously deterred by Ethereum’s high transaction costs. A focused community-building and marketing strategy, like incentivized campaigns for deposits, could capitalize on this new potential.

  3. Integration with the DAO main Contributors: Bringing moderators closer to the TrueFi DAO contributors could enhance transparency and information flow. I propose adding me or both of us (Discord - @solexj1000, @emmagh) to their check-ins or other close group. This integration would allow us to relay up-to-date information more effectively, ensuring the community feels more connected and informed.

  4. Reactivate and Utilize Discord: Beyond calls, reactivating our Discord server to supplement our Forum activities could cater to users who prefer more in-depth discussions but find the Forum overwhelming. This platform could also disseminate detailed forum posts and foster richer conversations.

We can really bring our community channels to life if we put these strategies into action. Although some of the ideas will require further discussions and exploration by the marketing team (of the contributor), We’re able to work collaboratively with the DAO to bring these improvements to fruition.

Note: More actions will attract more incentives


Thanks @SolexJ1000

To proceed effectively, could you please clarify the specific permissions you’ve been assigned on Discord?

Are you granted any administrative permissions, or are your responsibilities limited to moderation?

Understanding your current Discord roles will help us better navigate the present setup and plan effectively for future improvements as a DAO community.

I’d like to get your input on improving our discord server management before sending users to the forum.

For eg;

Bots to assist Moderation

  • Auto-moderation Bots: Use bots to automate tasks such as filtering inappropriate content, issuing warnings, and managing spam?

  • Role Assignment Bots: Set up bots to automatically assign roles based on user activity or reactions to messages?

Scheduled Messages and Announcements

  • Scheduled Announcements: Use bots like to schedule announcements, reminders, or event notifications?

Custom Commands

  • Command Automation: Create custom commands with bots to provide instant responses to frequently asked questions or trigger specific actions?

Welcome and Onboarding

  • Automated Welcome Messages: Set up bots to send personalised welcome messages and or TrueFi information to new members?

From your perspective in an administrator role, what improvements or updates do you think could optimise TrueFi’s discord channel performance, security, functionality, or user experience?

Please speak from your teams moderation experiences with TrueFi rather than a generic LLM response :pray:

Please NOTE: My responses are not from generic LLM; they are only used to refine speech. I’ve made these suggestions internally to the WALLAFACER Labs team previously. I don’t think current LLM models are good enough to detect the specific intricate issues of the TRUEFI community I pointed out above.

Responding to your question…
Currently, our role is strictly moderation only. I have the "TF Super TRUper role on Discord, while my colleague has the “Admin” role on Discord. While on Telegram, we both have the “Community Moderator” role.

However, for me to function appropriately as moderators on Discord, I also need the “Admin” role.

Enhancing Moderation with Bots
We can set up a bot for the Bot to assist in moderation, Custom Commands, and Welcome and Onboarding. The bot will:

  • Delete inappropriate content through links or specific words, then ban, warn, or kick the user, thus managing spam.
  • Assign roles based on user activity or reactions to messages.
  • Provide instant responses to frequently asked questions or trigger specific actions.
  • Send personalized welcome messages and or TrueFi information to new members

Although our existing MEE6 bot performs many of these functions, we’ll need additional bots for more specialized tasks.

Regardless of their specifications, bots must be closely monitored and sometimes require moderators to trigger them (especially for command automation).

To improve our discord security, performance, functionality, and user experience, we need to:

  • Upgrade the bot (MEE6) by tweaking its permissions to be more strict.

  • Reduce/reorganize the Discord channels—further discussions are needed to define what channels we need to keep or add; this depends on the direction of the DAO moving forward.

  • Produce timely updates via announcements to keep the community updated.

  • Introduce a ticketing system to provide better support in terms of organization and response.

  • If the DAO/core contributors want to revamp the community through community activities, then Discord is a good place to implement it.

  • Change or improve the server verification mechanism (usually has to do with changing the bot) to make it more intricate to prevent/make it harder for spammers to access it.

  • We have a significant number of users with the “NFT OG” role, and we should strategize on how best to utilize this to our advantage.

I can implent these changes, with of course, the direct specification of the Core Contirbutor/DAO. But these tasks extend beyond the responsibilites of a moderator and would require a review of tasks and compensation.


Thanks for your patience during this transition @emmagh and @Josh_EJ75

The Tally for the payment of your continued service is currently pending and voting will go live in the next two days.

Let’s connect with your suggestions on how we’ll improve community engagement in TrueFi DAO.


Thank you very much, Nathan!

Happy to connect with you on that!


Creating a telegram group will be appropriate for us

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I’ve sent invite links to both of you to set up that group chat :handshake:

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Seen and joined.
Pumped about this.

Thank you!


Update on this: The Board has been in contact with @SolexJ1000 and @dorizay and we’ll be working with them during the transition and over the next six months on community moderation and ensuring the community is updated with the work happening in the background

We’re re-uploading the proposal for their payment as the previous one did not meet quorum

Voting starts in two days


Thanks, Nathan! :+1:
Hope this reaches quorum this time! :muscle: